Editing a style

When you edit a style that already controls text in your document, you instantly reformat all text controlled by that style.

To edit a style:

1 Choose Text > Custom Styles > Edit Style Sheet, or click Edit Style Sheet in the Style palette.
2 Choose a style in the Edit Style Sheet dialog box and click Edit.
3 Click a panel name on the left side of the dialog box and choose the new formatting settings for the style in the corresponding panel. Leave attributes empty if they are not important to the style.

Dreamweaver cannot display all of the available attributes indicated by an asterisk (*) next to the name. Some attributes are in the CSS specification but are supported by only some current browsers.

See the following topics for information about specific settings:

Style Definition for Type panel
Style Definition for Background panel
Style Definition for Block panel
Style Definition for Box panel
Style Definition for Border panel
Style Definition for List panel
Style Definition for Positioning panel
Style Definition for Extensions panel

The changes affect any text to which the style has been applied.

Note: Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) the Style palette to open a shortcut menu that includes Edit, Duplicate, Remove, and Apply commands.